I got tagged to do this meme, by
Lynn so here goes:
The way you play is:
Just copy paste THIS and everything below up until my Five links:
I thought it would be cool to have a meme where we post links. We can post up to five. Then we tell five more people to share their links. If we all share who tagged us, our links are sure to be seen! They can be business links, favorite sites, affiliate links, whatever you want…
There are Five Rules:
1. MUST be clean. No R rated sites.
2. Only FIVE links.
3. MUST tell 5 people.
4. A link back to the person who tagged you
My Five Links:
Confessions of a CF Husband I have been hooked on this since back in January before the baby was born. Nate shares the experiences of his family as his wife Tricia struggles with CF. Great inspiring read!
PuzzlersParadise I like logic puzzles
Webkinz Yes, I know I am too old for webkinz but my little girl gave me one back in the Fall when I was traveling so much with my Mom and Dad. I can't just let the little thing die, so I am obligated to check on it every so often....it really is a cute little place.
Gamehouse free game downloads.
Travelocity Let's plan a trip somewhere soon!
Now comes the hard part finding people who will do this so I am going to put their blog names but not their links just in case they don't want to play or don't want their links posted.
1. Jennifer
2. TMK
3. Judy
4. Jettybetty
5. Dee
No pressure guys, play only if you want to!